
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
OFM: The new model of normal for the busy professional
I sat down this week with Dr Cathy after her recent Ironman finish for a conversation on Metabolic Health
Cathy discusses how she can comfortably complete an Ironman even though she is a busy professional,
In this podcast we talk discuss:
- The sad state of what 'normal' human health has devolved to and what the model for real human health should be
- How health & performance are embedded into our DNA
- How, if your Metabolic Health is on point, something such as running a marathon is not superhuman it is simply normal
- How athletes like Cathy, Jeff Browning and others are redefining the boundaries of health and longevity not simply athletic performance
- How emergency patients are getting younger and unhealthier and why
- How the medical & healthcare industries are not helping us to get healthy and what you can do about it
- The lie told to us about chronic disease and how you can avoid ever seeing an ICU for chronic issues
This conversation will blow your mind on what is truly "normal" and what is a disease state. Most of all it provides valuable insights into how you can move from fear to empowerment to reach your potential for 'Higher Health & Peak Performance!
Click here to see it.

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
In this roundtable podcast with Ultra champions Jeff Browning and Peter Mortimer we discuss how they use VESPA in their training and racing. In it you will learn:
- What VESPA is
- How using VESPA increases fat metabolism
- How increasing fat metabolism dramatically reduces the reliance on external calories
- How VESPA dramatically reduces the risk of the Gastrointestinal (GI) challenges so common in endurance sports
- Recovery: The VESPA recovery paradigm shift: Through MINIMIZING the DAMAGE from the oxidative stress and lactate load of burning too much glucose you minimize recovery time and maximize 'Training Effect'
- VESPA for focus, coordination and overall stability to perform in any situation
- VESPA for youth sports
Click here to experience the same benefits champions like Jeff & Peter obtain from VESPA, a natural catalyst to tap into the limitless energy you have locked inside!

Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
In this podcast/video I sit down with photographer, videographer and filmmaker Derrick Lytle and have a conversation about OFM, Metabolic Health and science. More so, we talk about how building your metabolic capacity allows us to not only reach our potential but how it drives and supports our epic dreams. Today Derrick is embarking on one of his Epic Dreams, a traverse of Arizona on The Arizona Trail. He is on a journey of discovery and will be documenting his steps across Arizona in photography and video to be made into a video.
This conversation is part of that journey and the listener/viewer for you the listener to help you understand your journey to Higher Health & Peak Performance.

Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
A few days before the iconic Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run I had the opportunity to record a round table discussion on all things OFM with elite mountain ultrarunners, Jeff Browning, Peter Mortimer. This includes metabolic test data that confirms their success is based upon a fat fueled physiology!
Despite Jeff entering his 50's and Peter his 40's they WIN races. Jeff recently won and set the course record for the Scout Mountain 100 Mile while Peter won the HURT 100 earlier this year. As you will learn in this video one of the main reasons for their success is OFM.
As Jeff and Peter share their personal journeys to optimal fat metabolism yours truly provides the context and scientific basis to give you "The Why" to understand how OFM is the pathway to attaining the higher health and peak performance athletes like Jeff, Peter and so many others enjoy!

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
On April 14, 2021 Dr. Lori Gerber DO interviewed VESPA GM & OFM Pioneer on the optimizing fat metabolism and VESPA and their implications for health, performance and longevity.
Dr. Lori has a successful practice as a functional medicine doctor and is also an IronMan Triathlete who has experienced fully the benefits of OFM and VESPA and has incorporated them into her practice.

Monday Jul 20, 2020
40. Successfully & Safely Hosting Races in the Age of Corona
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020

Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
This is a special podcast for German Speakers who wish to learn more about Vespa and it's OFM program to make the switch back to burning Fat as Fuel as well as improve overall Health & Performance in every aspect of Life.
00:00:00 Intro Peter Defty in Englisch
00:02:24 Vorstellung Jeff
00:04:50 Sportlicher Werdegang
00:06:30 Gedanken zu "Wettkampf", "sportliches Messen" und Analyse von Körper/Leistungs-Daten
00:10:00 Essen in der ersten Lebenshälfte
00:13:48 Diabetes Diagnose!
00:18:20 Therapie selbst in die Hand nehmen mit "Lower Carb"
00:21:20 Nächster Schritt: Recherche Ketogene Ernährung, Entscheidungshilfen
00:24:30 Start der Ketogenen Ernährung als Therapie
00:26:00 Am Anfang war es hart - Zucker-Entzug!
00:29:00 (Blut-)Zucker Mengen
00:31:42 Unbändige Energie einige Tage nach der Umstellung auf Keto!
00:34:30 Keto-Adaption und Restart Sport
00:36:00 Der Mann mit dem Hammer?
00:38:00 Peak Break, The Alps Race als weiteres "Keto Projekt"
00:40:40 Erste Bekanntschaft mit Vespa & OFM und Peter Defty
00:43:15 Vergleich zweier Spiroergometrien: Stoffwechsel zu Beginn und 3 Monate nach Training mit Vespa
00:48:15 Peak Break, The Alps Race: Das Rennen
00:50:28 Mehr und länger! Randonneur Brevets ...
00:52:30 Entscheidung für die Teilnahme an Paris-Brest-Paris 2019 über 1.200km
00:54:50 Neue Wege: Targeted Ketogenic Diet
00:56:56 Stoffwechsel in Bewegung - ohne Insulin
00:57:55 TKD Test: Ötztaler Radmarathon 2018
00:59:29 Paris-Brest-Paris 2019: Das Rennen
01:02:08 Kopfarbeit und Ablenkung
01:03:57 OFM Mentorship Programm mit Peter Defty
01:09:15 Training Gran Canaria OFM-Style
01:14:22 Ratschläge für die Umstellung auf OFM
01:20:30 Abschließende Worte

Sunday May 03, 2020
38. A Candid Conversation on COVID-19 & Health with Dr. Cathy Dudick
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
Join Cathy & myself for a candid and disruptive conversation with Dr. Cathy Dudick MD, a Trauma Surgeon and ICU Critical Care Physician from New Jersey who is working the front lines of COVID-19. She IS the real-life, George Clooney character in ER! She is also an Ironman Triathlete, lifelong runner, and mom.
This conversation confronts the real issues we face. COVID-19 is an opportunity for us to face these issues rather than get lost in the fear and politics but, more so, to consider getting truly metabolically healthy. . . and it starts with YOU!

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
37. The Conversation with Tina Hein
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Ironically, this first 'conversation' was recorded back in late February prior to COVID-19 sucking up all our attention. It is a conversation on 'Life' in many ways and how we can live it to our fullest by working hard and mindfully engaged in everything one does. In this podcast we unpack a fair amount of the basic underlying drivers of our behavior, thoughts and actions including modern life and the fear driven culture we live in today. Tina's life mimic's the lives of many and it is a celebration of the journey while providing insight.

Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
This episode of Food for Thought is an engaging, entertaining and insightful conversation with elite ultra-runner, Jeff Browning (aka Broncobilly), winner of The 2019 Bear 100 in 19:06 and Marc Sanderson who finished 173rd out of 204 finishers in 34:55 yielding a 360 degree view of what it's like to run a 100 Mile trail mountain ultra. This year's version of 'The Bear' lived up to it's name with some of the worst conditions in the history of the race.
To give perspective Jeff's time reflects not only his level of ability and training but also the simple fact he was fortunate to outrun the weather whereas Mark was caught in it.....so were some of Jeff's clients whom he coaches. A lot of time is spent on the huge challenges faced by middle and back of the pack runners and the enduring grit that makes up the sport of ultrarunning. The sport's ultra-inclusiveness is also discussed in the conversation another reason so many people are drawn to the challenge of ultras.....while it is a personal journey of transformation the camaraderie and support to bring everyone along to persevere and overcome the challenge is what makes competition truly great....we all get better as a result.
Both Jeff and Mark are 48 years old, have extensive ultra-running resumes they bring to this conversation but more so they both have fascinating personal journeys of overcoming health challenges.
After several years of having severe GI issues which were only worsening, in late 2015 Jeff made the switch to OFM and the use of Vespa from a Primal diet and conventional fueling in his ultras. Since that time he has never looked back. His performance skyrocketed with an overall win in his first race just a month into the program at the 2016 HURT 100 and since then Jeff has risen to be one of the top elite ultra-runners at the 100 Mile Mountain Ultra Distance with wins at HURT, Hardrock, Bear, and, most recently Bloodrock tying Ann Trason for lifetime wins at the distance at 22 wins.
Marc Sanderson is equally experienced having dozens of ultras including several 100+ mile distance ultras. In 2004 he completed the coveted Grand Slam of Ultrarunning completing Western States in under 24 hours, Vermont in under 20 hours, Leadville in just over 27 hours and Wasatch in just over 28 hours. During a random checkup in 2016 and completely asymptomatic Marc was diagnosed with Stage IV Mantle cell Lymphoma and immediately went into chemotherapy. Less than 2 years later Marc returned to ultra-running but with a different mindset. After his battle with Lymphoma he realized that, in spite of the training he needed to do more and that he could not outrun a diet that was not optimal. In the summer of 2019, 2 years after his diagnosis he made the switch to OFM and 3 months later he completed The Bear, his first 100 after beating cancer!
Here is his email:
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Marc Sanderson <msanderson71@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: New customer message on July 7, 2019 at 7:19 pm
To: Pam Miller <pam@vespapower.com>
It’s been a few years - hope you are doing great?
I’ve been through the ringer the last couple of years — Lucky for me I work for a hospital, had a random cardiac calcium scan and found myself with a stage 4 Mantel Cell Lymphoma. I’m two years post stem cell transplant and doing great.
I’m needing to make a come back running and I’m having a hell of a time dropping the extra 20 lbs gained through my treatment in combination with just not being able to run like I did before being sick. I’m going to run my first 100 since being diagnosed at the end of September this year and was wondering if you felt, given my circumstances that I could benefit from VESPA. I used it on and off years ago after meeting you at one of the race expos and really felt like it help with a couple races that I ran..... but like alway, cost and consistency was a struggle.
I need something..... I read every damn email I get from VESPA and I feel like it is something that I need to give a go with??
I would love an opportunity to chat with you again, I’m looking for some advice on weight loss and then coming back from my cancer treatments that damn near killed me. I did crazy high doses of chemo living inpatient at Huntsman Cancer Center in Salt Lake City over six months leading to my stem cell transplant. I need to fix myself or just give up the idea of ever competing again and just be happy that I’m alive?
I have a great attitude towards life, I’m committed to fix myself or at least give it one hell of a go!! I just turned 48 and would love not only to break the course record at the Utah Valley Marathon for the 50 age group in two years by running a sub 3 hour again but also to be able to enjoy the long distance running events 50k, 100k and 100 milers?
Sorry for the long email, I just feel like you could help me — it’s the reason I’m reaching out.
Thanks for reading, I’d make myself available to talk, email or if needed —I’d fly down and have myself a one on one evaluation, discussion/appointment..... that’s how bad I need to do something different, because my way is not working.
Marc Sanderson
Enjoy the conversation! Please share if you enjoy this episode.