
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
In this podcast episode, long-time OFM Athlete, Peter Mortimer, is welcomed as a guest to share his insights . Although not a professional ultrarunner, Peter competes at a high level and has won some big races. His ‘day job’ is a career in orthopedics for a medical device company, assisting and advising surgeons in operations for hip, knee, or shoulder replacements. His work schedule is erratic because it revolves around being present at the actual surgeries. Like most of us Peter has a life partner, adolescent children and a couple of Basset Hounds. On top of it all he has even started coaching others in ultras.
Today’s podcast centers around Peter’s big race of the year, The 268 Mile Spine Race, which was held this past June and is billed as Britain’s toughest race. Not only does the course and distance present significant challenges to any runner but Peter had the added challenge of starting the race in a seriously jet-lagged state.
In spite of all these challenges Peter found himself finishing second overall covering the 268 miles in 93 hours, 12 minutes and 27 seconds. This included a lot of racing, ultra style, during the late stages of the race between Peter and others contending for second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth place when this group were all within a few hours of each other. And this is where the advantages of being OFM adapted played into Peter’s success.
Our collaboration with athletes like Peter who are pushing themselves at the outer edge of Human Performance yields valuable insights we can share with you to reach your potential of “Higher Health & Peak Performance”. So let’s dive in.
Peter faced a considerable challenge from the onset due to the demands of international travel from Arizona to the UK without time to adjust. So, from the start of his odyssey, Peter was jet-lagged. Add to this, upon arrival Peter met with family (he’s originally from the UK) whom he had not seen in years. This set him up to arrive at the start line in a state of serious sleep deprivation and jet lag.
Naturally, the physical and mental fatigue set in early, with the sleep deprivation presenting severe obstacles like sleepwalking and falling asleep unintentionally in unexpected places, including a bathroom.
Throughout the discussion, the theme is clear: the race's physical challenge is paired with a substantial mental one. From navigating unfamiliar trails and landscapes, dealing with fatigue and sleep deprivation, and experiencing hallucinations, the race is as much a mental battle as a physical one.
One specific challenge he recalled was reaching the same signpost repeatedly, despite taking different paths, which made him question his mental state. Moreover, he vividly remembers hallucinating an eerie, albino man dressed in white, on a white bicycle, beckoning to him, which startled him greatly!
However, as the runners went deeper into the race, Peter’s resilience from optimizing his fat metabolism, along with the support of a LOT of Vespa Ultra-Concentrates and real food, shone through allowing Peter to pull ahead of the other runners to finish second overall.
They delve into Peter's journey with the Optimized Fat Metabolism (OFM) approach since starting in 2017. Prior to adopting OFM, he was a regular middle-of-the-pack runner who faced the energy swings and GI issues as he tackled longer distances. His nutrition was heavily carbohydrate and processed food-based, leaving him feeling drained. After hearing about fat adaptation and seeing other runners' success with it, he decided to start using Vespa and change his dietary approach. Shortly after meeting with Peter (Defty) in 2017 where they dialed Peter in, his performance significantly improved, the energy and GI issues disappeared and Peter was able to consistently race stronger and stronger, often finishing on the podium and even winning races like the prestigious HURT 100 in 2022.
Peter's general eating philosophy centers on whole fresh foods like meats and vegetables. While he occasionally indulges, he feels the negative effects when he deviates from his usual diet. The conversation delves into the variability and individuality of the OFM approach, noting that while some, like Jeff Browning, consume more protein and fruits, others find using more starches as their “Strategic Carb” yield better results.
Also discussed is the importance of gut health, especially on the development of a diverse biome for food tolerance, immune system health and overall well-being.
The conversation also touches on the post race emotional and mental aftermath, describing feelings of depression, which is more pronounced after longer races. The contrasting experiences between intense, prolonged endurance activity and the daily grind of life, including a sense of disconnect when returning to daily life.
Circadian Rhythm and Sleep
The podcast discussion revolves around the importance of the circadian rhythm and how it impacts health, performance and well-being. Podcast Host, Peter Defty, emphasizes aligning wake-up time with sunrise, noting the significant benefits it has on entraining circadian rhythm. Peter’s experience of completely upsetting his Circadian Rhythm at the Spine Race makes this abundantly clear.
The Benefits of a Optimizing Your Fat Metabolism
The dialogue transitions into discussing the more nuanced aspects of the OFM (Optimized Fat Metabolism) approach. While many associate OFM with a low-carb diet, it's clarified that the approach is more nuanced, taking into account aspects like chronic stressors, circadian rhythm, and vitamin D.
The focus then shifts to the benefits of the OFM approach in ultra-running. The approach has enabled some runners to achieve unprecedented fat-burning rates, allowing them to run longer distances more efficiently.
Peter's upcoming race, the Mogollon Monster, is this weekend (September 9&10th). After his race we plan to have him back to talk about the Lifestyle benefits he’s seen through optimizing his fat metabolism. Stay tuned!

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
54. Pushing the Boundaries of Athletic Innovation - A Conversation with Bryce Thatcher
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
“Our premise behind the company was trying to make athletes more efficient when they are trying to compete at a high level”- Bryce Thatcher
This is a captivating conversation with Bryce Thatcher, Chief of Product Development of UltrAspire, on innovation and what it means to be a true innovator and why it is important for the audience. Bryce is singularly responsible for creating the original hydration products athletes take for granted today such as water bottles and hydration packs athletes take for granted.
Most of today’s “innovation” is “incremental innovation”. In Bryce’s case Bryce was not so much a ‘Disruptor’ as he was innovating to fill a void that previously did not exist whereas Peter Defty’s work on fat adaptation for performance and health is highly disruptive to the conventional high carbohydrate approach.
Innovators are misunderstood and even marginalized during the early stages of innovation.Steve Jobs was shown the door at the very company he founded, Apple and Walt Disney was thought to be absolutely crazy each time he disrupted entertainment; first with an animation short of a mouse, then a full length color animated movie of a fairy tale and finally with the creation of a theme park.
The discussion includes reflections on the importance of understanding the journey of innovation, curiosity, and insights into how industries stagnate without it. Most of all innovation comes to fruition through the innovator’s staying true to their vision and core values.
The Path to Innovation is hardly predictable:
Bryce grew up outdoors. His passion for sports, particularly skiing and mountain running, led to the problem solving which led to starting his first company, Ultimate Direction. Yet this was a serendipitous departure from his pre-med education and career track as a Physician. This leads to a broader discussion on how innovation rarely starts from a planned pathway but as a result of curiosity, adaptation and problem solving. This is how true innovators adapt to challenges, with a constant curiosity and problem solving ethos to get to the goal and vision.
But innovation is not limited to the product design but to constantly innovate in all areas as illustrated by Bryce's shift to overseas manufacturing due to rising labor costs and, subsequently, his innovative approach during the COVID pandemic. Here, Bryce shares how the crisis led to a new way of working directly with his factories as well as with athletes testing equipment and providing input. These changes ultimately sped up the innovation process.
Innovation means getting your hands dirty and doing the work
The conversation also highlights how innovators pay attention to the details, do the deep dives into those details as part of innovation. As companies seek to maximize shareholder return through lowering costs and increasing profit margins as the driver this creates a “Feeding frenzy to the bottom” where the first thing to go is R&D which is a key driver of innovation.
Innovation requires the willingness to make mistakes and a willingness to get one’s hands dirty. In today’s virtual world this is lost on the modern generation who want instant gratification.
Bryce also decries the lack of patience today’s generation has and how this is an innovation killer. He stresses the need for an ‘Incubation Period’ as crucial for the ‘Ah Hah’ moment.
The Impact of Innovation:
Peter and Bryce delve deeper into how innovation shapes and drives their companies and its broader impact on society. Bryce shares how continuous innovation has not only brought success to Ultra Spire but also enriched his life and improved athletes' experiences. The conversation also includes a focus on real-world problem-solving and the importance of being deeply involved in the innovation process.
The Essence of Early Adoption:
In the final part of their discussion, Bryce explains the importance of distilling complex ideas down to their essence to reach a broader audience. The emphasis is on engaging early adopters, cultivating curiosity, and avoiding fear-based marketing. The power of relating to innovators on a personal level and seeing their human side is also highlighted, as well as the importance of staying true to one's niche.
The episode concludes with Bryce sharing his personal journey towards fat adaptation and how a disciplined, natural lifestyle has improved his endurance activities and overall health. Bryce is looking to not only set some FKT’s but to gain optimal longevity. And, yes, Vespa is part of that equation.
Bryce also emphasizes the need to form a cohesive team to be able to communicate those details of innovation by ‘distilling’ down all those details into the critical points that most people can digest and understand. Innovators and their passion often lose people in the detail and complexity of what they are innovating.
The conversation underscores the critical role of curiosity, innovation, and early adoption in driving the progress of Humanity.

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
53. Creating a Sanctuary with Tina Hein
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
In this episode of the OFM Podcast, we welcome Tina Hein, someone who embodies self-empowerment and self-improvement without relying on conventional credentials. T
In this episode I emphasize the importance of thinking for oneself and taking ownership of one’s life despite the barrage of information and opinions available on the internet. This includes mentioning that not all experts need to be credentialed and the true source of expertise, especially in the context of one’s life, is oneself. Tina and I discuss how personal experiences and introspection can be incredibly valuable toward building expertise for one’s own life.
- The importance of Personal Experience: In this episode I stress the significance of acknowledging the expertise individuals have about their own lives. This includes how many great contributors to science and engineering in the past were not necessarily credentialed, but were problem solvers.
- Tina's Journey: Tina talks about her journey of self-discovery and how she and her husband, Jeff, have created a sanctuary for themselves with the emphasis on the profound joy that comes from bringing down stress levels and taking care of oneself through the creation of a personal sanctuary.
- The role of the Internet and Messaging: Tina points out the negative impact of the constant barrage of information and expectations created by the internet, advertising, society and cultural norms, which often leads individuals to feel unworthy or not good enough.
- Childhood Wounding and Patterns of Behavior: I introduce the concept of childhood wounding and how unresolved emotional traumas can create recurring patterns of behavior throughout life. This is often complicated by societal messaging that feeds into feelings of inadequacy.
- The Power of Introspection and Self-Realization: Tina shares how her involvement in endurance running led her to realize she was running away from herself. Through introspection, she found the power in acknowledging and addressing her emotional baggage, which helped her lead a more fulfilling and authentic life.
- Creating a Sanctuary: Tina speaks about the importance of creating a peaceful sanctuary at home, feeding and taking care of family, and disengaging from systems that might not serve personal well-being. By doing so, she and her husband reinvested in themselves to live a more authentic and harmonious life.
- The Need to Recognize and Break Patterns: We discuss the importance of recognizing and breaking the patterns that stem from childhood wounds and/or societal pressures. Through conscious choices and personal introspection, individuals can work towards emotional stability and find what truly brings them joy and fulfillment. . . and guess what? This is vitally important to optimizing your metabolism and physiology.
- Understanding Relationships: Acknowledging that your partner also wants to fulfill your needs. The importance of communication; here we debunk the misconception that partners should intuitively know each other's needs.
- Importance of a Woman’s Core: Tina and I discuss the unique biological grounding women have through the reproductive cycle. Emphasis on the importance for women to be in tune with their core as a center of intuition and grounding.
- Conflicting Messages for Women in Society: The pressure to excel in multiple domains (career, parenting, fitness, etc.) can be overwhelming and contrary to one's natural inclinations. Tina discusses recognizing and respecting biological tendencies, and finding a balance that aligns with individual values and desires.
- Vulnerability as a Superpower : How vulnerability, especially among women, is powerful, and it is important for men to recognize their responsibility to provide a safe space for this vulnerability.

Tuesday May 23, 2023
52. Work, Life, and Ultra-running: How Jesse Haynes Masters the Balance
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
In today’s podcast, our guest, Jesse Haynes, shares his remarkable Life journey of balancing his career as a construction project manager, husband and ultramarathon trail runner at the elite level. Jesse’s life has no shortage of daily challenges, ones which require him to access,adapt and act as part of the job. Naturally, OFM plays a key role, enabling him to stay at the top of his game in work, life and on the trail.
Most of all this podcast offers insights into how OFM can enhance your journey. Whether we realize it or not, everyone is entered in that one ultra-endurance event called Life and Jesse’s commitment to a healthy lifestyle serves as both an inspiration and example for all of us. His experiences shed light on how to overcome the daily challenges faced by those in physically and mentally demanding jobs which often lead to bad habits and breakdown of both mind and body typically seen in construction. I know because in a former life I was in the same profession and position as Jesse.
Key Points:
- Jesse works in construction as an on-site project manager. This requires him to ‘do it all’ from planning and scheduling to setting grade and even hopping on a piece of equipment. It requires decision making and people skills ranging from working with his crew of operators to sub-contractors, inspectors and consultants. In this high stress environment, construction work takes a toll on health due to long hours, an ‘on the go’ diet often rife with processed foods, caffeine and nicotine and high-stress levels. Jesse offers an alternative path, one where the stress of the job makes him more confident and capable of handling Life’s challenges.
- Even with the physical demands of his job, Jesse races at the elite level of ultra trail racing and recently achieved a second-place finish at the competitive Leona Divide 50 Miler at the age of 50.
- Like your own Life Journey Jesse shares how he transitioned from mountain biking to road cycling then finally developing a love for trail running.
- Jesse talks about his partner Keira, how they met and the races she organizes and directs. Highlighted is her passion for getting people outdoors, promoting health, and creating accessible races for runners of all levels.
- Jesse’s OFM transformation came on the heels of his close friend, Jeff Browning’s, OFM transformation in 2016. Jesse immediately noticed Jeff as a leaner version of himself who went on to dominate his first Vespa powered race, the 2016 HURT 100 miler. Not only did Jeff win but both Jeff & Jesse were blown away by the recovery the very next day where Jeff was walking without a limp in his gait and had none of the severe edema (swelling) in his feet and legs that is considered normal after an ultra-endurance event.
- Fat adaptation: Jesse discusses how adopting Vespa and OFM aligned with his natural eating habit as he never felt good consuming copious amounts of carbohydrates.He emphasizes getting plenty of fat and protein in his diet with just enough carbs to give him that performance edge.
- Improved recovery and reduced calorie intake: the positive impact of Vespa and fat adaptation on his race performance and recovery. This includes experiencing shorter periods of soreness and being able to resume running within a few days, despite consuming fewer calories.
- The demanding job and its impact on training time: The various ‘Hats’ Jesse wears daily, which highlight the demands of his job which is also coupled with a long commute. . . . the early morning wake-up and commute translate into time constraints for training during the workweek. While most of his training occurs on the weekend, stretching, intervals or strength training make up the workweek training…..that is, when he can.The take home: OFM allows Jesse to maintain a high level of fitness in spite of the constraints to his training.
- Incorporating Strength Training and Interval Training: Jesse talks about shifting his weekday training to focus on strength, stretching, and intervals to maximize time and improve performance.
- Balancing Time Commitments: the challenge of balancing time between work, personal life, and running and the vital role OFM plays in facilitating Jesse to thrive in all aspects of Life.
- The importance of Hydration, especially Electrolyte Supplementation for performance level fat adaptation: Fluid and electrolyte intake are critical during training and racing. Jesse emphasizes this by discussing how he consumed 21 grams of Sodium/Salt during his recent 50 mile race and 2nd overall finish.
As you can see Jesse is no different than you . . . he prioritizes his health and performance through his adoption of OFM which provides the individual with all the tools they need to construct a sustainable Lifestyle in all aspects of Life so you can attain “Higher Health & Peak Performance”.....just like Jesse!

Thursday May 18, 2023
51. Did my first 100 miler fasted and with 1000 calories with Dr. Cathy
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
In this podcast, Peter interviews Dr. Cathy Buletsa, an intensivist (ICU Physician) and trauma surgeon who recently completed her first 100-mile race. This episode is a debrief of her experience during and after the race.
The discussion covers the adaptive stress, hormesis, super compensation, and the training effect from the event. The conversation also discusses moving forward and general health experiences.
Dr. Buletza explains her approach to health and fitness, emphasizing that she would not expect her patients to do something she wouldn't do herself. She literally has to “Walk the Talk”. Her endurance activities, including the 100-mile race, serve as an example of taking control of one’s health.
She shares her race experience, noting the extreme heat and challenging terrain, however despite the conditions, she successfully completed the race and was surprised by her lack of hunger throughout.
The conversation turns to the topic of aging, with both speakers challenging the notion that sharp decline is inevitable as one gets older. They discuss the benefits of adopting a physiologically, correct way of eating and living, thus allowing the body to respond positively to stress and, from it, adapt to become stronger.
Dr. Buletza shares her recovery experience post 100-mile. Despite initial fatigue, she bounced back quickly and was back at work within a few days.
One of the areas covered is the mental aspects of the race. They discuss the personal experience of pushing through mental barriers during the race and the clarity of mind that comes with physical exertion and how it helps to focus on what is truly important.
Cathy discusses her upcoming birthday plans, opting for a 57.1-mile run on the Florida National Scenic Trail. She emphasizes the importance of building physical and mental capacity as one ages. They challenge the notion that aging inevitably leads to decline, citing examples from their athletes and indigenous populations who live according to their advocated lifestyle., and how indigenous populations living in alignment with their lifestyle principles experience a lack of age-related diseases and health issues commonly seen in modern society.
This podcast highlights that through Optimizing Your Fat Metabolism, one can build the metabolic capacity to reach each individuals’ potential to reach a state of “Higher Health & Peak Performance”

Thursday May 04, 2023
50. The Happiness Connection: A Conversation with Documentary Filmmaker Roko Belic
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
Roko Belic knows a thing or two about Happiness. He is living it and sharing it through his work as a filmmaker. His films range from “Happy” which explores this topic, to “Trust Me” which explores the digital age and its implications for our Happiness.
In this open ended conversation Roko and Peter explore the aspects that make up happiness as well as elements which rob us of it. This includes taking the abstract concepts of happiness, contentment and gratitude as well as fear and anger,, discussing the physiological implications then distilling these elements into actionable strategies using real world examples of people living happy and fulfilling lives. This includes how Roko has chosen to live his life inspired from so many people he has encountered on his journey.
The conversation dives into the human hardwiring of fear and anger and how this can be exploited in the modern world, particularly through the spread of information and disinformation to create division. This highlights the importance of recognizing that all humans have more in common at our core than the messaging suggests.
Roko reminds us all how cooperation and compassion play key roles in human survival, how curiosity and empathy can overcome xenophobia and the delicate balance between happiness and fear in today's world.
Ultimately, this interview serves as a platform for YOU to foster happiness in the modern world. Roko's documentaries and the insights gleaned from them serve as reference points to delve deeper into these subjects and provide insights into the human experience.
Here are some of the talking points:
- How many people have become disconnected from the physical activities that bring joy and happiness, such as play. Engaging in activities that are physically and aerobically challenging can greatly improve overall happiness and well-being.
- By reconnecting with our evolutionary roots and prioritizing activities that promote both physical and emotional health, we can begin to make better decisions for ourselves and our well-being.
- By embracing the principles of a healthy lifestyle, including a well-rounded diet, regular exercise, and activities that bring joy, we can create a positive spiral that enhances our emotional and cognitive states, leading to a happier, more fulfilling life.
- Mental capacity and taking risks - They talk about how embracing risks can lead to a more fulfilling life, contrasting this with today's risk-averse society.
- Backpacking and filmmaking - Roko shares his experiences backpacking around the world and making films like “Genghis Blues”, his first project about the Tuvan throat singers and, subsequently, “Beyond the Call” about doctors performing critical care in war zones .
- The importance of curiosity - They discuss the importance of curiosity and taking risks in life, and how the growing popularity of ultra-running is an example of people seeking more adventurous experiences.
- Overcoming challenges and the importance of adaptive stressors in life - They discuss how running helped them to build their endurance and confidence, eventually allowing them to run as fast as their peers and cover long distances in the mountains.
- Conversely, they touch on how removing adaptive stressors from our lives can lead to a lack of problem-solving skills and innovation.
- The importance of prioritizing relationships and experiences over financial success.
- Happiness was not considered a valid area of study and was often dismissed. However, in recent years, researchers have begun to study happiness and have found that it is indeed a valuable area of research.
- The importance of self-acceptance and inner work in achieving happiness. He notes that many relationship issues stem from a person's inner self and how they interact with others. Roko encourages listeners to examine their own behaviors and beliefs to improve their happiness and relationship with themselves and thus with others.
- The importance of gratitude and how it can enhance our lives. - Everyone has a purpose, something to contribute and a connection to something larger than ourselves. Finding and developing our purpose, contribution and connection can make us happier as an Individual and, through this, collectively as a society.

Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
49. Longevity and Peak Performance at age 54 with Bree Lambert
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
This week we are interviewing Vespa / OFM Ambassador Bree Lambert Sanders, who is a nutritionist and coach in the San Jose area. Bree who, at 54 years young, still competes at the elite level including winding up with an overall win or a place on the podium .
In this interview, Bree explains that she has always had a passion for fitness and nutrition. Her business, Live Well Finish Strong, focuses on nutrition and movement for business executives and athletes in Silicon Valley. After several years of watching the consistent performance of fellow ultrarunners Bree made the switch from a high carbohydrate approach to using Vespa and adopting the OFM protocol. She shares her experience including how her performance, recovery and overall health/longevity have benefited in spite of being a “Woman of a certain age”. We also discuss the longevity aspects of making the switch to fat based fuel.
Bree discusses the benefits of being metabolically healthy in the podcast.
Here are some of the talking points:
- How Vespa and OFM have helped Bree with performance and recovery.
- The combination of Vespa and the OFM protocol has been shown to help prevent cellular damage and aid recovery.
- How and why OFM Athletes like Jeff Browning are able to keep doing something big every six weeks due to the rapid recovery of OFM and Vespa, which is actually due to the prevention of damage from burning glucose.
- Research from the Western States Study showed how fat-adapted athletes' cell wall fatty acid levels returned to pre-race levels within two days after Western States, while the conventional fueled athletes were still struggling to normalize a week after the event.
- How the effect of proper sun exposure is necessary to generate vitamin D, referencing Andrew Huberman who discusses the importance of rest, good nutrition, and sunlight to achieve wellness.
- Carbs and Calories - why people need calories, but they don't need as much as they think they do, especially if they're fat-adapted.
- Women are designed to be the ultimate fat burners. While they have more sensitive hunger triggers and store more fat easily, females have to be self-sufficient during late gestation, childbirth, and lactation.
- The effect of stress and how it can be just as detrimental to health as too many carbs in the diet.
- How being metabolically healthy makes people less prone to illnesses and chronic diseases as they don’t have a compromised immunity system and metabolism.

Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
48. Healthy Aging and Performance Gains discussion with Tony Konvalin
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
In this episode of the OFM (Optimized Fat Metabolism) podcast, host Peter Defty welcomes Tony Konvalin, an OFM ambassador and a lifelong athlete, who has excelled in different sports such as football, running, cycling and soccer.
Tony shares his journey to higher health and peak performance beginning with his experience of running in high school and college and how he was a late bloomer. Eventually he became the number two man on his team during his senior year. He also talks about running with famous athletes, such as Henry Rono, and getting lapped by the world record holder in the 10-K.
In the podcast Peter and Tony discuss the challenges and execution of staying healthy and fit as one grows older, and how OFM can help people start their journey to a healthier lifestyle.
Some of the topics discussed:
- The benefits of being fat-adapted, including:
- Improved endurance
- Weight maintenance/ loss
- Better overall health
- Biggest tips for staying motivated to exercise; getting out the door and starting the workout is the hardest part.
- How Tony rides 100 miles fasted regularly and why this is possible.
- Skepticism around optimizing your fat metabolism (OFM) and what part carbohydrates play in high-intensity exercise.
- The body's dependence on carbohydrates is largely due to dietary habits and that it is possible to train the body to use fat as its primary fuel source.
- That most people are running their bodies below the fat-burning threshold and that training the body to use fat as fuel can have numerous health benefits.
- When the body is burning fat instead of carbohydrates, it is not only burning fat but also metabolizing it, which is critical for cell walls and mitochondria.
- High-carbohydrate diets can lead to insulin resistance and a host of other health challenges.
- The numerous health benefits to using fat as the primary fuel source.

Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Pediatrician, Marathoner and “Liver of Life” Dr. Linda Frazier and I got together for this conversation. Linda has been in practice since 1984 and continues to do fill-in work at a youth detention facility and participate in medical mission trips overseas, most recently doing Pediatric Care in an orphanage in El Salvador, Central America.
Linda is living a life fully aligned with her biology as a wife, mother, grandmother, and caretaker, and that she has a positive attitude towards life. Linda also coaches the buffalo chips youth program and recently participated in the Metabolic Reset Program before heading to Central America to do her volunteer work..
Talking Points:
- Linda's journey;
- High Carb/Low Fat and the ‘unintended consequences’
- Adoption of Primal
- Lifetime PR at the Marathon Distance at the age of 64
- The importance of getting rid of stress and enjoying life while still eating good food
- The benefits of fat adaptation and shifting away from the traditional carbohydrate-centric mindset
- The science behind fat oxidation during exercise and the studies that have shown the benefits of fat adaptation.
- The importance of maintaining Metabolic Health in order to prevent viral infections and other health issues.
- In the US, people consume too many carbohydrates and, physically, do too little and how this eventually leads to a predisposed metabolism towards glucose, which can increase the risk of viral infections.
- The link between sugar and white cell function, and how high sugar levels can make white cells "lazy" and less effective in fighting off infections.
- The link between sugar and cancer, and how cancer cells require sugar to grow. Linda also mentions some research from UCLA on ovarian cancer and the benefits of a ketogenic diet.
- This is a program for anyone and not extreme athletes
Linda is a living, breathing example of what life can be when you get your body back to burning fat as your fuel the way Nature intended so you can achieve “Higher Health & Peak Performance.”

Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Today's podcast guest is Jeff Browning, a professional ultra runner who is one
of the top five elite mountain ultra specialists at the 100 mile plus
distance. He recently ran the Moab 240s, a 240 mile plus distance and not only
won but set a course record. In this Podcast Jeff discusses:
- the challenges faced during the race.
- the importance of strategy in ultra running, including logistics,
crew and pacers, sleep, and hydration and electrolyte balance. - the physical effects of the race. .
- his fueling and hydration strategy,
- how he has been able to recover quickly after races by following
the OFM protocol. - the benefits of the OFM approach, including feeling clear headed and
having consistent energy levels. - thoughts on the carnivore diet and its benefits, including improved
recovery from exercise and weight loss. - the negative effects of a high vegetable diet, specifically the
toxic load of certain vegetables, and the importance of ruminants in the
natural ecosystem. - the use of fruit as a "Strategic Carb"
- the use of Vespa and how it can help with recovery and fat oxidation.
Peter and Jeff recommend using Vespa as a supplement during training and
racing, and suggest reducing overall calorie intake while using it. They
also recommend using Vespa on harder training days as well as for longer duration